The Way I Began This Journey

Hi my name is Naomi and I began making these rice bags in October of 2016. Due to some major health issues I was taken out of work and therefore I began making these bags. My doctor had told me I needed moist heat for all the injections I was receiving to try to rebuild my ligaments, and tendons. I had a heck of a time finding a moist heat pad and when I did it was expensive and ugly. So I decided to make them more exciting and more affordable. And unlike the ones in the store these are good for heat and cold. I am constantly researching to make these bags better for my customers. Without my customers and family support there would be no Serenity Journey Crafts. It has definitely been a journey and a good one because I am helping many people with their pains. I hope you enjoy these bags as much as I do. I am willing to do special orders for you. This includes sizes and patterns. These may cause a slight delay in getting your product to you. Also prices may vary if I have to special order fabrics or if you want a bigger size than I have posted. The biggest I have done to date so far is 20" wide by 42" long. This is a great size to use even as a weighted blanket for autistic people. I am also willing to make these for wholesale. Lots of spas, and massage therapist like to use these. Even if you aren't wholesale and have a big order I can do bulk pricing. I have also added a bunch of new products to my shop. I thrive to cover as many peoples needs as possible.

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